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V O L . X X V I I I N O. X X V I O C T O B E R 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 28 FA M I LY OW N E D B U S I N E S S F O C U S Finding room at the inn New York couple Matthew Powell and George Trinovitch moved to Castine this year as the new owners of the Pentagöet Inn & Wine Bar. ey relied on their individual strengths when it came to dividing up responsibilities. "With my background in restaurants and market- ing, the restaurant and pub operations, marketing, social media, site functions and customer service fell under my umbrella," says Powell. "George is far more adept with design, aesthetic, and maintenance, with his background in interior design and art. All things related to aesthetics is his domain, but he can also run upstairs and fix a sink if the need arises. We both tag team check-in and check-out, concierge services, and being the face of the business." Making decisions with a partner is not easy, he notes. "Whenever George and I disagree, we can usu- ally suss out the decision during a short one-on-one conversation," he continues. "If the matter falls into my area of expertise, George usually trusts me, but he can sometimes help me see a problem or concern in a dif- ferent light, and vice versa." But if it's a big matter they have a difficult time resolving, they might consult a trusted advisor such as Powell's parents, small business owners they know or their lawyer. Trusting the team — whether it's a partner, staffers, outside advisors — is one of the big- gest lessons learned so far. It's also important to remember life outside of work. "When you're working with your partner in a startup business, you've got to have a strong foundation prior to the business," says Powell. "But you also cannot neglect the relationship during the business." e two strive to take every Sunday off, drive away from the Pentagöet, and go on a date day. Says Powell, "You gotta take off your work hats every once in a while, and just be a couple again." L a u r i e S c h r e i b e r , M a i n e b i z s e n i o r w r i t e r , c a n b e r e a c h e d a t l s c h r e i b e r @ m a i n e b i z . b i z » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E Ware-Butler Industrial will supply prod- ucts to earthwork and concrete jobs, roads/bridges/construction jobs, grow businesses, storage units, livestock farms, health centers and commercial buildings of all types, infrastructure projects such as sand-salt sheds and municipal buildings, etc. WAREBUTLER.COM CONTACT US for your non-residential and commercial construction needs statewide in Maine. Put our statewide buying power and experienced sales team to work for you! Fabric / Pipe / Culverts / Styrofoam insulation / Construction lumber Sheet goods / Millwork / Metal roofing and siding products PRODUCTS OFFERED: AND MORE! P H O T O / DAV I D C L O U G H Matthew Powell, left, and George Trinovitch of the Pentagöet Inn & Wine Bar in Castine say they relied on their individual strengths when it came to dividing up responsibilities.