
October 3, 2022

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V O L . X X V I I I N O. X X I I O C T O B E R 3 , 2 0 2 2 20 N E X T U P | 4 0 U N D E R 4 0 AWA R D I also serve on the executive committee for the 4 the Future Foundation (4TFF), a nonprofit that "inspires youth by encourag- ing the benefits of an active and healthy lifestyle while promoting the attributes of the student-athlete and a call for gen- erational leadership." Our focus at 4TFF is on creating and supporting lacrosse programs for indigenous and underserved communities where sport meets culture, to create community-based opportunities that provide a pathway for the success of future generations. Audacious goal: I want to retire by 65. Favorite quote: "The arc of the moral uni- verse is long but it bends towards justice." โ€” Martin Luther King Jr. Influential book: "Custer Died for Your Sins," by Vine Deloria Jr. Favorite movies/TV shows: FX's "Reser- vation Dogs, "Forrest Gump" How do you recharge: I head to the beach for a relaxing time with my family. Volunteering and restoring an old house refill the bucket B y P e t e r V a n A l l e n Jake Holmes, 28 Financial literacy outreach coordinator, Maine Credit Union League Significant professional accomplishment: After personal finance became an edu- cational requirement in Maine schools, I developed free turn-key financial literacy lesson plans for all grade levels โ€” with the intention of both educating students and providing curriculum support to teachers. Passion project: I enjoy volunteering at Good Shepherd Food Bank and helping combat hunger through edu- cation and advocacy. Another pas- sion project of mine has been renovating my old farmhouse, which has been in the family since 1870. Audacious goal: There is a very old and over- grown apple orchard behind my house that was oper- ated by fam- ily many, many decades ago. It's a serious under- taking, but I'd like to restore the orchard. Being able to put the old "Holmes Apples" sign back up would make me incredibly happy and proud. Favorite quote: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." โ€” Wayne Gretzky (and appropriated by Michael Scott) Influential book: "The Decisive Moment," by Henri Cartier-Bresson. No, I've never been able to justify the price of owning the book, but I've been privileged enough to read it. It's an inspiring read. Favorite movies/TV shows: My favorite quote already gave it away, but I'm a big fan of "The Office." As far as mov- ies go, some of my favorites are "The Lord of the Rings," "Interstellar" and "The Sandlot." How do you recharge: Making my two- year-old son laugh is at the top of the list. Other than that, I enjoy film pho- tography, playing golf, fishing and home improvement projects. Facilitating corporate accountability for the planet B y L a u r i e S c h r e i b e r Jenny Kalanges, 36 Director of global membership, 1% for the Planet Significant professional accomplish- ment: Over 5,000 global business mem- bers in our network and $65 million in certified annual giving to environmental nonprofits. Passion project: So much of my day- to-day work is relational, strategic and left-brained, and I've learned over the years how important it is for me to seek balance in creativity. Lately, that's come in the form of painting, printmak- ing and intuitive leadership coaching, but over the years I've had a floral design stu- dio, created natural foraged skincare, taught yoga retreats, and designed events and spaces. Audacious goal: The ultimate vision is that all businesses participate in giving back to our planet. ยป C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E Attorney Allison Economy has been dedicated to serving her clients with unparalleled talent and skill for over a decade. Congratulations ALLISON! Scan to learn more about Allison > 100% Employee Owned Congratulations to our Director of Business Development Thomas Kennedy, and Maine business honorees! w w w. s t e e l p ro u s a . c o m Jake Holmes is the financial literacy outreach coordinator for the Maine Credit Union League. P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY

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