
August 8, 2022

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 25 A U G U S T 8 , 2 0 2 2 ainebiz: What's a typical day like for you? Mufalo Chitam: It's a little hard to have a typi- cal day. In the world of remote working, typically I have at least two meetings every other hour. We'll also respond to the 'right now,' as we're having high num- bers of arriving families that are being placed in dif- ferent hotels. So for part of the day, we're doing one or two site visits. So my days have a lot of planned, proac- tive events, but that is usually taken over by reactive work based on what's happening to the community. MB: Is there anyone who has most influenced the way that you do your work? MC: I come from a huge family. ere's 10 of us, although two are deceased: five girls and five boys in our family. My father was the youngest of three children, but he was basically the leader of his family. It wasn't just financially; he was just inspirational, he taught us how to value human life and value at a very tender age. at is one of the values that I live by: humanity and service. He never had a lot, but was able to use what he had not only to take care of his family, but also to take care of his community. He is where I draw my inspiration. Raising up those around her B y B r i d g e t R e e d M o r a w s k i C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E ยป WB Industrial will supply products to earthwork and concrete jobs, roads/ bridges/construction jobs, grow businesses, storage units, livestock farms, health centers and commercial buildings of all types, infrastructure projects such as sand-salt sheds and municipal buildings, etc. WAREBUTLER.COM CONTACT US for your non-residential and commercial construction needs statewide in Maine. Put our statewide buying power and experienced sales team to work for you! OR Fabric / Pipe / Culverts / Styrofoam insulation / Construction lumber Sheet goods / Millwork / Metal roofing and siding products PRODUCTS OFFERED: AND MORE! Mufalo Chitam is the executive director of the Maine Immigrants' Rights Coalition, which oversees 90 partner organizations across the state. She was nominated by Adilah Muhammad, executive director of the Third Place, as a "strong statewide leader." When the Zambia-born Chitam arrived in Portland in 2000, there was an informal network to help immigrants. Today, she has helped create a system to help place immigrants in hotels or other housing, to find jobs and work out language training and arrangements for school-aged children. M

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