Mainebiz Special Editions

Work for ME 2022

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S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 / W O R K F O R M E 3 Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Mainebiz® (ISSN# 1530-0749) is published bi-weekly 29 times a year, including special issues published in July, September, October and December by New England Business Media LLC. Periodicals postage paid (USPS# 018-715) at Port land, ME and at additional entry points. Postmaster: Please send changes to: Mainebiz, PO Box 330, Congers, NY 10920-0330. Annual subscriptions are available for $72.00 and include Fact Book and Book of Lists. To subscribe, please visit our website at, email or call our circulation department at 845-267-3008. Mainebiz® accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts and in general does not return them to the sender. P U B L I S H E R : Peter Stanton A S S O C I AT E P U B L I S H E R : ANDREA TETZLAFF E D I TO R : Peter Van Allen D I G I TA L E D I TO R : William Hall S E N I O R W R I T E R S : Renee Cordes, Laurie Schreiber S TA F F W R I T E R : Jessica Hall C O N T R I B U T I N G W R I T E R : Catie Joyce-Bulay, Bridget Reed Morawski, Jennifer Van Allen R E S E A R C H D I R E C TO R : Timothy Doyle R E S E A R C H A S S I S TA N T: Heide Martin S E N I O R A C C O U N T M A N A G E R S : Ken Hanson, Betsy VanderPloeg A C C O U N T M A N A G E R : Kerry Rasor M A R K E T I N G / O P E R AT I O N S D I R E C TO R : Alison Nason O F F I C E C O O R D I N ATO R : Allison Spies D I R E C TO R O F AU D I E N C E D E V E LO P M E N T: Valerie Clark A division of New England Business Media LLC C E O / G R O U P P U B L I S H E R : Peter Stanton P R E S I D E N T: Tom Curtin C F O / C O O : Mary Rogers D I G I TA L D I R E C TO R : Jan Holder A R T D I R E C TO R : Matt Selva H O S P I TA L I T Y E M E R I T U S : Zoey C o n t e n t s WORK FOR ME WAS MADE I N PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H 7 Construction / Trades 25 Financial Services 31 Health Care 41 Hospitality / Retail 44 Manufacturing 55 Technology 59 Wage / Employment Data B U S I N E S S S E C T O R S 11 Cianbro 12 Consigli Construction Co. Inc. 14 Electrical JATC (Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee) 15 Hancock Lumber 16 Hebert Construction LLC 17 Hews Co. LLC 18 Huttig Building Products 19 IBEW Local 567 & 1253 20 Interstate Electrical Services Corp. 22 Maine Energy Marketers Association Technical Education Center 35 Jackson Laboratory 36 MaineHealth 38 MaineGeneral 39 Northbridge Communities 48 FMI (A Spirit AeroSystems Co.) 49 Harvey Performance Company 50 Mathews Brothers Company 51 Pratt & Whitney — North Berwick Aero Systems (NBAS) 52 Southworth International Group 53 VELUX Greenwood LLC S P O N S O R E D P R O F I L E S 4 Maine Department of Labor Commissioner Laura Fortman 4 Manufacturers Association of Maine Executive Director Lisa G. Martin L E T T E R S 24 Can businesses weather the storm of inflation? 30 Prepare for an increase in requests for accommodation 40 Develop a people strategy amid the Great Resignation 54 Longtime teacher and business owner Brian Langley champions workforce development program C O L U M N S STEM caption P H O T O / J M G University of New England's nursing program offers a range of hands-on opportunities to learn. P H O T O / C O U R T E S Y O F M C C S 32 56

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