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V O L . X X V I I I N O. V I I I A P R I L 1 8 , 2 0 2 2 20 H O S P I TA L I T Y / T O U R I S M F O C U S A s Maine hotels, restaurants and attractions gear up for what is expected to be a busy tourism season, managers are facing a host of challenges — including the labor shortage, supply chain disruptions and higher gas prices. But the show goes on. With COVID restrictions lifted, travelers are expected to flock to Maine this summer in numbers never seen before. Help is on the way As the all-important summer surge of tourists approaches, Maine's hospital- ity industry got a shot in the arm as the federal government announced that it would issue 35,000 more temporary visas nationwide for seasonal workers — long a linchpin for Maine's summer hospitality and tourism industries. H-2B visas help small businesses fill temporary, seasonal positions when there are not enough able and willing American workers for them. e allocation, announced March 31 by the U.S. Department of Labor and Department of Homeland Security, includes 23,500 visas for returning workers, who received an H-2B visa or were granted H-2B status in the past three years. e remaining 11,500 visas are reserved for nationals of Haiti, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. e visas are set aside for employ- ers who want to employ these workers between April 1 and Sept. 30. In a joint statement, U.S. Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Angus King, I-Maine, applauded the move, but stressed the need to improve the H-2B program to ensure Maine small businesses do not continue to suffer from a lack of workers. "Although these additional visas will help provide relief to many Maine small businesses, there is still an overwhelm- ing need given the current tight labor market and record low unemployment," the senators said in a joint statement. "We must improve the H-2B program to ensure Maine small businesses do not continue to suffer from a lack of workers." Destination management As record numbers of visitors flock to Maine, the state Office of Tourism is developing a destination management plan to determine how to grow tourism in ways that don't compromise quality of life for residents, or the quality of visitors' experience. e Office of Tourism has hired Coraggio Group, a Portland, Ore.-based consultant, to develop the plan that bal- ances tourism growth, while also moni- toring the impact of visitors, enhancing visitor impact at the most-visited sites, addressing overuse of certain destina- tions, decreasing seasonality, and adapt- ing to the environmental and social impacts of visitation. e plan would also address job creation and how tourism supports local farms, fishermen and makers — in addi- tion to hotels, restaurants and attrac- tions. It would identify impact issues at hot spots like Acadia National Park, and explore how to encourage visitors to travel outside of peak season, and go to less well-known destinations. e state will conduct an online sur- vey to get input from residents, business HOSPITALITY HOSPITALITY Roundup B y L au r i e S c h r e i b e r , J e s s i c a H a l l , W i l l i a m H a l l Industry news from around Maine owners, visitors, economic development officials, and local officials, and host a series of in-person and remote town hall-style sessions throughout April and May in each of Maine's eight tourism regions to get feedback. Ultimately the Office of Tourism will have a visitor management strategy that provides a framework for measuring the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism, recommend ways to enhance management at the most popular sites, address locations that don't want or need promotion because of current traffic, recommend strategies to expand visits on the shoulder season, and identify strategies to adapt to environ- mental impacts and encourage socially- responsible travel. e final plan will be completed by November of 2022. e new plan comes as visitation to Maine rebounds from the pandemic. Some 15.6 million visitors in 2021 spent an estimated $7.8 billion. Hotel occupancy, daily rates and revenue per available room (Revpar) approached pre-pandemic levels. Maine is expected to see a surge in first- time visitors this summer. Island time e team behind the Chebeague Island Inn, EVO Kitchen + Bar, and the redevelopment of the former Portland Co. site has bought the northern half of House Island in Portland Harbor for $5.35 million. e 12-acre parcel has 3,980 feet of usable ocean frontage, five beaches, three renovated homes, a barn with caretak- er's quarters and a 375-foot deep water commercial-grade pier. e property is already being mar- keted for weddings, corporate retreats, family reunions and other special events. e deal was made by House Island Holdings LLC, an affiliate of PF Capital Fund, whose managing partners are Casey Prentice and Kevin Costello. Prentice, president of the Prentice Hospitality Group, also owns Fore Points Marina and 58 Culinary in Portland and the Maine Classic Car Museum in Arundel. A restaurant, Twelve, is expected to open this summer in Portland. P H O T O / C O U R T E S Y O F T H E Y O R K R E G I O N C H A M B E R Seasonal hires from other countries are a critical part of the workforce for summer hospitality and tourism businesses. As record numbers of visitors flock to Maine, the state Office of Tourism is looking at ways to grow tourism that won't compromise quality of life for year-round residents.