
April 4, 2022

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V O L . X X V I I I N O. V I I A P R I L 4 , 2 0 2 2 24 B A N K I N G / F I N A N C E / I N S U R A N C E F O C U S Working with the Patriots Being a family-owned firm helped Cross gain some high-profile clients, such as New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. "Robert prefers working with fam- ily business. It's really wonderful how they've supported family businesses through the years," Cross says. "It started out as Kraft wanting to partner with us. I thought 'Partner with us? Hmmm. OK. Let's partner.' en they said, 'Maybe.'" Cross laughs. "So, we started with them modestly and kept building on that." Cross now has a dedicated team that works with Kraft's interests rang- ing from sports to personal to real estate holdings. Clients, big or small, become inti- mately connected with Cross Insurance, Cross says, because insurance gets inter- twined intimately with people's lives and livelihoods. "People don't care about insurance until something goes wrong. When you have something happen, it's extremely personal. If someone's hurt, it's very personal. If a house is lost, it's someone's world," Cross says. When asked what's next for the company, Cross shrugs. "We've never had five- or 10-year plans. We've never done that. We're more opportunistic," Cross says. "Insurance doesn't seem to have peaks and valleys that other industries see. During COVID, everyone still purchased car insurance and home insurance. We always seem to have business to do. It provides good stabil- ity," Cross says. e industry competition has become fierce, Cross says, as insurance can be bought anywhere in the world from a computer or phone. "Without technology, we wouldn't be where we are. Technology intro- duces competition but also opens up the world to us. We're part of that competition," Cross says. Cross says he enjoys his job too much to ever think of retiring. "I have no plans to go anywhere. I enjoy what I do. What's my end game? I'm living my end game," Cross says. "I never look back at life. Yesterday is gone. ere's far more opportunity today than there's even been in the business," Cross says. "ere's no better time in his- tory to live, and no better industry than this business. No better place to live in America. e kind of opportunity that exists for my family, there's nowhere else in the world I'd rather be," Cross says. Je ssic a Hal l, Mainebiz staff w r ite r, can be reached at jhall @ Reach out to see how we can help with your next project! ARCHITECTURE | INTERIOR DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | MASTER PLANNING LISTEN. INNOVATE. DESIGN. CPORT CREDIT UNION | PORTLAND, ME » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E I never look back at life. Yesterday is gone. There's far more opportunity today than there's even been in the business. — Royce Cross Cross Insurance Royce Cross joined Cross Insurance in 1970. P H O T O / J I M N E U G E R

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