
March 21, 2022 — Business Leaders of the Year

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V O L . X X V I I I N O. V I M A R C H 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 12 We also expanded our manufacturing and distribution space. We proceeded with investing in our website. And we opened 13 retail stores, five more than planned. In essence, we accelerated our growth plans during the pandemic. MB: Why expand in bricks and mortar, including a new flagship store in Portland, at a time when online sales are growing? DO: We were being opportunistic. Over the years we've learned that the best way to understand our brand and experience our product is in person, and that's why stores have become our largest channel. We were planning to open eight stores in 2020, but once the pandemic hit, we thought that would provide opportuni- ties for us to open in markets that we were previously unable to find and/ or afford space in. Our new store on Commercial Street is a great example of something that likely would not have happened if not for the pandemic. MB: In scoping potential retail locations, what do you look for and why? DO: We like to say every one of our products is unique, and that no two are exactly alike. e same is true of our retail stores. While they all share many things in common, no two are the same. We look for "real" places, waterfront locations in ports, harbors and, more recently, beaches, and for buildings with character. We're in locations where people like to visit and vacation. We find that it's a great time to be introduced to our brand and discover our products. MB: Will Sea Bags ever return to Boston or plant a flag in any other big cities? DO: at's an easy one. A few years ago, we opened a store on Newbury Street in Boston as a test of more urban markets. We learned a lot, and mostly that it was not right for us. And while I believe in never saying "never," I'm pretty confident that I can say you won't be seeing a Sea Bags store in any big city any- time in the future. MB: What supply-chain close calls have you faced, and how have you overcome them? DO: We always say that our supply chain is Maine first, New England second, the U.S. third, and it stops there. at has served us well during the pandemic. We also basically created the supply chain for our most important mate- rial, used sails, years ago. We do buy some materials that go into making our products. One of the most important is the three-strand rope we buy from one of the last remaining manufacturers in New England. As soon as the pandemic hit, we contacted our rope manufacturer and put in orders for a year's worth of supply (as we did with any materials that we needed). ere are not many things that can shut us down, but running out of rope is one thing that can, as we can't make our signature totes without it. MB: How are you attracting employees in today's tight labor market? DO: It's tough. I don't know of any company that doesn't need people right now. We offer market-compet- itive pay and benefits, and every year we add a new benefit to our package. For example, this past year we added parental leave. Another thing that helps us attract people is that we run a 12-hour shift and offer flexible hours and plenty of overtime. In addition, many people who work here do so because they believe in our mission of sustainability and saving sails from the landfill. Others work here because they like the creative process that is a part of so many roles in designing and building our products. MB: What's next for Sea Bags? DO: More of what we've been doing. We boil our strategy down to two simple ideas: Make more product and sell more product. It's harder than it sounds. As both a manufacturer and retailer, we are always trying to bal- ance the two. Most years our growth has only been limited by our abil- ity to increase production. After the incredible growth we experienced last year, we've been putting together plans to double our output in the next few years. MB: Do you ever get any takeover approaches from potential suitors — and what do you tell them? DO: We get contacted quite regularly from people asking if they can invest in our company. While these calls and emails are always flattering, our answer is always the same, that we are not looking for investors and do not need the capital. We're fortunate that we have built a strong balance sheet that allowed us to weather the pandemic and enabled us to fund our growth, without the need for addi- tional investors. R e n e e C o r d e s , M a i n e b i z s e n i o r w r i t e r, c a n b e r e a c h e d a t r c o r d e s @ m a i n e b i z . b i z a n d @ r s c o r d e s » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E I don't know of any company that doesn't need people right now. P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY Sea Bags makes and sells totes and accessories made from recycled sails.

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