
February 21, 2022

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 23 F E B R UA R Y 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 O N T H E R E C O R D B Y R E N E E C O R D E S B Y R E N E E C O R D E S Mainebiz: What drew you to naturopathic medicine, and what does your practice encompass? Sasha Rose: I was drawn to naturo- pathic medicine because it is grounded in science and requires the same inten- sive classroom and clinical training as conventional medical school, but also recognizes the existence and impor- tance of the mind-body connection and even the mind-body-spirit con- nection. My practice is largely focused on digestive health. MB: How do you balance practicing medicine with running a small business? SR: It entails wearing two very different hats, and often switching between these hats within one work day. Being a mom has trained me well in the art of mul- titasking. Obviously, the time with my patients and the preparation and follow- up to their visits is my priority; after that, and sometimes in between those visits, I need to attend to administra- tive duties. As with any small business owner, I don't clock in and clock out. I am answering emails and making busi- ness decisions with my husband in the evenings and on weekends. MB: How has the pandemic affected your business? SR: Prior to the pandemic, Wildwood was probably best known for our Community Acupuncture Clinic, which we had to close for safety rea- sons in March 2020. Every time we have considered reopening it, another surge hits Maine. However, we are cautiously optimistic that we will be able to offer this service in some way again soon. A silver lining of the pandemic has been the switch of my naturopathic practice from in-person to virtual. I now am seeing patients who live in Presque Isle, Ellsworth and other parts of the state that would normally require them to drive up to six hours each way to see me. MB: What prompted you to move the practice from Portland to Falmouth? SR: We were on India Street in Portland for over 16 years. We loved the area and loved being there during a time of great transformation and growth. We were in a very old and unique building and like most businesses on the peninsula in Portland, we were not able to offer park- ing for patients. We made it work, but over the past year we realized we were ready to be in a more modern building and most importantly, a location and building that would provide greater ease and access for our patients. MB: How hard was it to find the new space — and what benefits does the new facility offer? SR: ere wasn't a lot of supply in terms of medical space that suited our needs. We looked for a few months, and with the help of commercial brokers, found this space in Falmouth. We moved in December and without compromising space, we now have ample parking, an elevator and a location that is right off of [Interstates] 295 and 95. e building is in a wooded area. It's very quiet and private even though there are other busi- nesses in the area. MB: To what extent is being near several other medical facilities a plus? SR: Having an orthopedic office next door and a dental office across the street means that people are simply accus- tomed to coming to this area for their care. Most of us live very busy lives, so convenience and ease are priorities. MB: What's next for the business — any long-term plans to add to the team? SR: We would love to reopen the Community Acupuncture Clinic sometime in 2022. Right now, Daniel and I are enjoying focusing on clini- cal care and don't have plans to hire anytime soon. But you never know when the right person might cross your path. P H O T O / J I M N E U G E R Dr. Sasha Rose is a board-certified naturopathic doctor who owns and runs Wildwood Health Center in Falmouth with her husband, Dr. Daniel Katz. Mainebiz caught up with her to find out how the four-person practice has fared during the pandemic, what prompted a recent move out of Portland, and what's next for the small business. As one of the largest employee benefits agencies in New England, we are able to provide a wide array of unmatched solutions to our clients. E M P LOY E E B E N E F I T S B E N E F I T S A D M I N I S T R AT I O N W E A LT H M A N AG E M E N T PAY R O L L S E RV I C E S B U S I N E S S I N S U R A N C E H R S U P P O R T At CGI Business Solutions: Relationships Matter 207.730.7222 383 US Route One — Scarborough, ME 04074 Dr. Sasha Rose Dr. Sasha Rose of of Wildwood Wildwood Health Center Health Center in Falmouth in Falmouth is a board-certified naturo- is a board-certified naturo- pathic doctor and licensed pathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist whose medical acupuncturist whose medical practice is largely focused practice is largely focused on digestive health. on digestive health. A silver lining of the pandemic has been the switch of my naturopathic practice from in-person to virtual.

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