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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 13 JA N UA R Y 1 0 , 2 0 2 2 F O C U S 2 0 2 2 E C O N O M I C O U T L O O K "e last few years for both the creative and the marketing industries have brought growth, evolution, and for me a masters lesson in one's self-com- passion and aptitude for change," says Dockendorf. "As I look to 2022, it is not with fear or worry but with optimism, excitement, and a thirst to see what is around the next corner." Pulp + Wire works with clients in the food and beverage, lifestyle and cannabis fields. Many brands are adapting to the times by "creating a new identity to attract new audiences with stunning packaging, branding, as well as online and digital growth," she says. When safe, there's been a resurgence of industry trade shows in-store shop- ping promotions, allowing companies that went 100% online to get face-to- face time with customers. Social media has become an even more important way to communicate, with "LinkedIn thought-leader arti- cles, captivating Instagram posts and TikTok content that quenches our consumers' thirst for this joy, drives intrigue, and allows us all to continue to grow as a whole," she says. When Dockendorf looks at com- panies that have survived and grown in the past two years, she cites ones with "serious grit" as standing apart. "For those brands with serious grit, we continued to help them evolve, launch new products, build campaigns and bring content to their followers who needed something new to get excited about," she says. "We are seeing new and established brands launch new products based on what they learned from 2020 and 2021 and what they now want to bring to the world based on their own personal experiences." AG R I C U LT U R E Johnny's Selected Seeds optimistic about growth B y J e s s i c a H a l l F rom David Mehlhorn's vantage point as CEO of Johnny's Selected Seeds, the seed industry and the economy offer reasons for optimism. Everything just needs a little extra planning and effort. Catering to small and mid-sized commercial farmers, as well as avid home gardeners, Johnny's Seeds has fared well during the pandemic. Small and mid-sized farmers weren't signifi- cantly hit by pandemic woes, and home It's Time to Take Command #DCTakeCommand " Clark Insurance's strong growth is supported by what our people are learning in Dale Carnegie classes. " — Jeff Shaw A family-owned business @dale.carnegie.maine / Dale Carnegie Maine / @dalecarnegiemaine / / 207.775.DALE (3253) Are your employees fully engaged? Could your productivity improve? Mention this ad for a free Business Improvement Discussion. Our clients benefit from generations of knowledge, now and in the years to come. Portland, ME | 207.773.7100 | "The Dunham Group invests in its younger brokers," says broker Sylas Hatch. "You're learning on the's really helpful to learn how someone with decades of experience handles situations with clients." Setting our clients up for continued success starts by sharing knowledge from one generation to the next. The Dunham Group Knows Smart Investment Opportunities Sylas Hatch, Broker and Tom Moulton, Broker | Partner C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E »