Worcester Business Journal

August 16, 2021

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wbjournal.com | August 16, 2021 | Worcester Business Journal 41 Congratulations to Jonida Duque, Director of Central Community Health Partnership, on being selected as a WBJ 40 Under Forty Honoree! CCHP is an extension of Open Sky Community Services' commitment to the community, in partnership with AdCare Hospital, LUK, Inc. and Venture Community Services. We also work with Center for Living and Working and Elder Services of Greater Worcester to meet the needs of those we serve. openskycs.org centralchp.org Create a nurturing culture W e know change man- agement is an ongoing, critical focus in busi- ness. If change is the only constant, then we must accept and be ready for it. Organizations will grapple with critical change this year and the years to follow as they recover and reconcile organiza- tional needs post-COVID-19 pandemic (and as new variants threaten to create an ongoing pandemic). e road to finding sustainable ways to move forward and thrive will take finding opportunities in the challenge and loss, including a new lens for how we do things and why, let- ting go of things inefficient, inequitable, and disconnected from priority needs. is is a huge undertaking, and exas- perated by the underbelly of a divided social-political climate in our country. Leaders are going to have to make very difficult decisions around budget, per- sonnel, talent acquisition, and retention. e most important factor in estab- lishing necessary changes will be to prioritize organizational culture. If an organization's culture is healthy, the ability to navigate challenges in any area is elevated. Organizational culture must be established, nurtured, and champi- oned by leadership. A healthy business culture, in a nutshell, is established when everyone understands and is committed to their roles and to the roles of everyone else. is fosters a community, where individuals are committed not to self, and not even necessarily to one another, but to the heart of the organization, the why WITH BONNIE J. WALKER Outside the Box for existence, the pulse. For example, in a school, the pulse is a commitment to student experience and education. Organizations cannot be stifled or siloed by an insular view of in- dividual contribution, but rather directed by the organization's mission and vision. Individuals making up the institution who are not committed to the mission are not healthy to the organization's culture. ese individuals create morale issues, quality and efficiency gaps, enrollment or hiring and retention deficits, and ulti- mately diminish the bottom line. Elements of successful change are shaped around organizational cultures nurturing an authentic sense of belonging for all members. e following change elements are required: vision, skills incentives, resources, and an action plan. e organization's vision must be clear and clearly articulated across all areas internally and communicated externally. Folks must have the skills to make the change happen. If we are not hiring in- dividuals with the right skills or training them to gain them, then we will not meet mission and vision. Reasons (the benefits) for change must be articulated, otherwise there will be resistance. e appropriate resources must be put in place in order to execute the change, otherwise members will become frustrated and skeptical. Every vision must have an action plan, otherwise the vision is futile, where in- stead of creating change, we continue to have a meeting, for the meeting, for the meeting – lots of talking and lip-service. How do we approach all of these? How do we reconcile the challenges of pandemic and social-political unrest and division? e sweeping general answer is we must face problems, challenges, inequities, racism, oppressions, deficits, and a lack of institutional wellness with curiosity and a mindfulness for prob- lem-solving, not with fear. Ask: 1. Do I understand the problem and where it comes from? is is inquiry. 2. Do I care enough about the problem and the people it harms? is is empathy. 3. Do I know how to correct it, and am I willing to do it? is is innovation, critical thinking, and problem solving. None of this happens overnight. Want- ing to jump straight to a solution without these steps and processes usually leads to more disconnect, dissidence, further inequities, and failed initiatives. Proceed with caution, proceed with strategy, but whatever you do, proceed! Bonnie J. Walker is the director of equity and inclusion at Worcester Academy, plying this arena in education in Mass. for 16 years. Contact her at bonnie.walker@ worcesteracademy.org. W

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