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24 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 2 0 MEDIUM EMPLOYER (50 - 249 U.S. EMPLOYEES) Knickerbocker Group Knickerbocker Group's work en- vironment is relaxed, with plenty of banter. Creativity is encouraged and opinions are respected. KG recognizes the importance of balance between work, family, community and fun and incorporates that into KG events throughout the year. Flexible schedules further promote a healthy work/life balance. KG pays for 100% of employees' health insurance coverage and offers great retirement plans, in- cluding a 401(k), profit-sharing bonuses to the 401(k) when profits allow, and an ESOP. Also on offer? Bonus days off around holidays! Outdoor amenities include gardens, seating areas, fireplace and kitchen with wifi to encourage outdoor meetings when weather allows. Both offices have showers to support active employees who bike to work or exercise during breaks. cPort Credit Union cPort always invests in its staff, from competitive compensation packages to professional development. A rela- tively flat organizational structure fosters open and collaborative dia- logue between all levels of the team. An emphasis on employee growth al- lows the credit union to promote within as much as possible, creating new and engaging career op- portunities. The rewards abound. There's the an- nual holiday party with years of ser- vice recognition awards, jeans days, an annual bonus program, member appreciation week, the annual Hal- loween costume theme competition, a summertime brewery event, Fes- tive Friday with festive sweaters and potlucks, and an all-employee meeting celebration in September. Maine Credit Union League & Synergent For employees enrolled in one of the four high-deductible healthcare plans, the company deposits $1,500 into their Health Savings Account. Also on offer is company paid long-term-care insur- ance coverage of $1,000 per month for up to 36 months, plus group term life insur- ance coverage equivalent to twice the employee's salary plus $15,000. Employee Ap- preciation programs include an annual outing, weekly ice cream truck, weekly onsite massages, holiday and appreciation parties, weekly fresh fruit, employee gifts and awards and Employee-of-the-Year recognition. Flexible work scheduling includes part-time schedules, remote work options, flex-time and volunteer days. The company invests in staff advancement with tuition reimbursement, conferences/ seminars, professional memberships and certifications. CCB, Inc. CCB provides leadership, safety, and technical training so employees can develop strong business skills and forge relationships with teams and clients. Employees connect with each other in multiple ways: cook- outs, camping trips, holiday parties, and the annual business meeting, just to name a few. The monthly CCB newsletter calls atten- tion to employee success stories and project spot- lights, and celebrates family gradua- tions, weddings and births. CCB puts family first, allowing employees to manage child care and other needs through flexible scheduling promoting a healthy work/life balance. Employees receive gift certificates for company apparel and the managers bring CCB's own Cookout Trailer to jobsites to cook lunch for the crews. # 12 # 13 # 14 # 15 We take ownership. That's because what began as a small carpentr y company in 1978 is now 100% employee owned and one of the Best Places to Work in Maine. To all of our employee-owners and collaborators who contribute their diverse talents to the design-build process, thank you for being part of the team. 100% E M P LOY E E OW N E D Photo © Sam Betts