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20 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 2 0 MEDIUM EMPLOYER (50 - 249 U.S. EMPLOYEES) Wings for Children and Families 'Blue Star' day off with pay, longevity bonuses W hen it comes to why employees like to work at Wings for Chil- d r e n a n d Fa m i l i e s , here are a couple of quotes: "Working at Wings has been one of the best deci- sions I have ever made!" and "I get the feeling that I will learn and grow within my work, my life, my rela- tionships and as a person altogether." Wings employees feel like they're supported by one another and by man- agement. It feels like a team, where achievements are celebrated and chal- lenging situations are handled with grace. Input is sought out and valued. Staff feels informed. Self-care, health and safety are paramount. That's especially evident during the pandemic state of emergency, which has found employ- ees working from home with compas- sion pay, a stipend and a shortened workweek, allow- ing staff the flex- ibility to put their families first. In regular years, employees know to expect the un- expected, such as staff meetings with guest stars. During one special meeting, kids were invited to join in a staff meet- ing when llamas arrived for a visit. An improv group performed a surprise song about the agency. Occasionally, employees are gifted with an early release before a holiday. Then there's everything above and beyond, like when management pitches in to work right alongside the staff. And they deliver Christmas pack- ages and meals to families in need. Wings contributes $1,652 to employees' HSA accounts to help with copays and deductibles. The insurance provides re- imbursement for gym memberships up to $150 per year. An employee assistance program is provided for free. In the Blue Star program, employees are nominated by coworkers, clients and community partners for a Blue Star Award. Folks who get the award are then eligible for a quarterly award of a day off with pay. There are also longevity bonuses to recognize work anniversaries of two, five and 10 years, and every five years after 10. A peer-run wellness committee brain- storms wellness motivation, activities, resources and ideas, and provides gift cards and giveaways for various activities throughout the year, along with potlucks, ergonomic assessments and support. Walk- ing challenges help to encourage fitness. Celebrations? Of course! That in- cludes secret pals every fall, ice cream socials, holiday parties, door decorating contests, secret gift-buying and Easter baskets from employees' children! Drummond Woodsum Lunch-and-learns, family-friendly parties A Po r t l a n d b a s e d l a w f i r m , Drummond Woodsum regularly holds lunch-and-learns to give professionals a chance to learn from their peers, brainstorm ideas and solve problems. It's also a great opportunity for folks to offer shout-outs for jobs well done. That collaborative culture is essential to a mission that brings people to the com- pany for the career opportunities but keeps them thanks to the people. Employees take every opportu- nity to celebrate each other, be it a birthday or holiday. Employee and fam- ily outings are held every summer and every winter. The offices even shut down early to host a Halloween party for employ- ees and their children every fall, complete with ghost stories, games, prizes, food, arts and crafts, photo booths and costumes. Employees are encouraged to partici- pate in civic and volunteer activities. Drummond Woodsum's Community Service Committee organizes volunteer opportunities for employees, including recent activities for Habitat for Human- ity, Furniture Friends, and Partners for World Health Medical. The company holds blood drives for the Red Cross and rallies for the United Way Campaign. B e c a u s e t h e company under- stands the strug- gle of balancing work and family, it has a generous family leave policy and flexible sched- uling to match its belief that those two things should be in balance. Mentorship is woven through- out the operation. New attorneys are matched with more experienced attor- neys to help mentor them through the process of developing their careers. New attorneys are involved in all levels of work to challenge them and help them gain experience. There's also a structured on-boarding process for new employees, along with regular staff meetings and attorney meetings to make sure firm information is communicated often. The goal? Informed employees who enjoy their work, have support when they need it and also have the independence to excel when they're ready. Competitive compensation and ben- efits include end-of-year, merit and longevity bonuses based on years of service; paid family leave; and flexible scheduling. Staff appreciation events are held every spring, with gifts, prizes and meals. The company hosts a special recognition event offsite that includes entertainment. And recognitions aren't just a once-per-year matter; a job well done is regularly celebrated with ran- dom gifts of thanks such as catered treats or meals, or gifts of company swag like T-shirts or L.L. Bean vests. Wings for Children and Families 900 Hammond St. Suite 915,Bangor, ME 04401 Top local executive: Trish Niedorowski, Executive Director, Bangor, Maine Year established: 1995 Number of Maine employees: 67 Drummond Woodsum 84 Marginal Way Suite 600, Portland, ME 04101 Top local executive: Benjamin E. Marcus, Managing Director Year established: 1965 Number of Maine employees: 120 # 1 # 2 Glamour at the Best Places to Work Gala in 2019.