Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2020

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6 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 2 0 T here's no avoiding a discussion of the pandemic when putting together this year's Best Places To Work edition. In fact, measures that companies implemented in response to the health crisis go much farther in showing what being a "Best Place To Work" really is—responsive, caring, flexible and ready to listen to employees about their concerns. Every company on this year's list instituted a variety of protocols. Top measures included moving as much of the workforce as possible to home- based operations and taking advantage of today's technology platforms. One employer set up a trial day for everyone to work from home and then report back on what went well and what the issues were so that operations could be fine-tuned. Many companies already had experi- ence holding meetings or conducting webinars on virtual platforms. But whether they were new to it or not, the shift helped to facilitate continued operations. Companies implemented strategies such as daily intranet com- munications that updated the workforce on company activities and facilitated communications from senior leaders and between divisions. Client meetings, internal meetings and regular gather- ings such as one company's "Friday Morning Coffee Talk" were moved to online platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype, ensuring that em- ployees still had the connection and support of their peers and leaders. Some even began holding virtual happy hours just to blow off the stress of the new situation; at least one company allowed its staff to use the company's Zoom account for connecting with friends and families after hours. Also important—employees were equipped with the necessary technol- ogy to work from home. That included laptops, monitors, cellphones, desks and even the ergonomic chairs they were accustomed to at the office. Given the uncertainties around childcare and school situations, com- panies provided flexible work hours for employees who were teleworking, and adjusted work weeks and operating hours overall. HR policies were modi- fied accordingly, so employees didn't have to worry about their salaries and benefits. Before the state's lockdown, or soon after, companies generally sent home those employees who could work re- motely, to ensure their safety. Many plan to continue to allow employees to work from home until they feel it is safe for their return and/or to bring them back to the office in groups on rotating schedules, in order to be able to physically distance at the workplace. Some companies formed internal response teams and drafted response plans designed to encompass state and Online 'Coffee Talks,' staggered schedules, hand-sanitizer stations Businesses respond to the pandemic in multiple ways By Laurie Schriber Albin Randall & Bennett caption. Photo Courtesy of Albin Randall & Bennett.

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