Since 1972, Shalom House has been
a leader in providing residen al
treatment, supported housing op ons
and mental health services for people
living with severe mental illness. We
assist hundreds of people each year
by helping them break through the
barriers that make it difficult to recover
from their illness. For some, these
barriers include the inability to afford a
safe and clean place to live, for others
it's understanding how to navigate
the complexi es of the mental health
system, and for others it's being lost
and discouraged by our fast-paced,
over-s mula ng society. Our goal is to
help people find ways to manage their
illness and lead fulfilling lives in our
communi es.
We provide a choice of affordable, safe housing ranging
from group living and supported housing to independent
apartments. Shalom House also administers housing
subsidy programs to individuals who qualify.
We offer community-based services to help our clients
gain the skills and confidence they need to achieve
their own goals and to successfully reintegrate into the
Opening doors to self-expression through the crea ve
process. Our studio provides a safe, suppor ve
environment where ar sts can freely explore and
express ideas, learn new skills and discover their
strengths and abili es.
Shalom House, Inc.
106 Gilman Street
Portland ME 04102