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V O L . X X V I N O. X X I I 32 G I V I N G G U I D E 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 21 N O N P RO F I T P RO F I L E The Center for Wildlife GIVING OPPORTUNITIES f In Kind Donations: donations off our Amazon wish-list and our general wish- list are always appreciated and can be found at www.thecenterforwildlife. org/wish-list. f Donations of gift cards to Hannaford, Market Basket, Amazon and more are greatly appreciated. f Monetary donations can be made at donate or mailed to PO Box 620, Cape Neddick, ME 03902. f Gifts of stock, bonds, and appreciated securities, gifts in honor or memory of a loved one, bequests and estate gifts can be made by contacting Carolyn at f Naming opportunities and major gifts can also be requested through Carolyn at VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Businesses can schedule work days through Katie at kbrodeur@thecenterforwildlife. org. We have also had businesses spon- sor ambassadors and do supply drives and fundraisers. We have a wide variety Kristen Lamb, Executive Director Tom Boisvert, Board Chair: Director, Community Toolbox Established: 1986 / Employees: 15 / Annual revenue: TOP FUNDING SOURCES 59% Individual Contributions 17% Grants 15% Earned Income 8% Business Contributions 1% Board Contributions CONTACT 385 Mountain Road Cape Neddick, ME 03902 (207) 361-1400 centerforwildlife @sustainwildlife @Centerforwildlife MISSION STATEMENT The Center for Wildlife is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate and strengthen relationships between humans, wildlife and the environment resulting in a healthier, more sustainable community. To this end, we focus on three goals: 1. Strengthen our community's overall health through the interdisciplinary approach of conservation medicine. 2. Expand community outreach and provide learning opportunities to educate and inspire people of all ages to value the connection between wildlife, human, and environmental health. 3. Achieve and advance a diverse and viable fundraising strategy, ensuring long-term financial sustainability to support the successful growth and continued demand for our work in the community. SERVICE LOCATIONS We serve Maine, NH and MA and collaborate with colleagues nationally and internationally. AT A GLANCE 2021 GOALS e Center of Wildlife's goals for 2020/2021 are to strengthen our community's over- all health through the interdisciplinary approach of conservation medicine. We wish to expand community outreach and provide learning opportunities to educate and inspire people of all ages to value the connection between wildlife, humans, and environmental health. We will also achieve and advance a diverse and viable fundraising strategy, ensuring long-term financial sustainability to sup- port the successful growth and continued demand for our work in the community. FUNDRAISING EVENTS/ OPPORTUNITIES f Spring Fundraiser – Call of the Wild Dinner and Auction f Spring Fundraiser – Make Way for Ducklings f Summer Fundraiser – Open House f Winter – Holiday Bazaar f We also hold stakeholder dinners, owl prowls, happy hours, workshops, tours and more throughout the year. Donors can get involved by donating items to these events or purchasing tickets. The Center for Wildlife is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to cultivate and strengthen relationships between humans, wildlife and the environment resulting in a healthier, more sustainable community. of volunteer options that include onsite volunteering, education volunteering, event volunteering and development volunteering. Please visit our website at www.thecenterforwildlife/volunteer. The Center of Wildlife's great horned owl ambassador, Gaia P H O T O / C O U R T E S Y O F T H E C E N T E R F O R W I L D L I F E