Mainebiz Special Editions

Fact Book: Doing Business in Maine 2020

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 81 Fact Book / Doing Business in Maine E N E R G Y | I N F R A S T R U C T U R E / D I S T R I B U T I O N Maine's largest power plants Ranked by summer generating capacity in megawatts N O T E S : Generator information as of April 1, 2020 S O U R C E : ISO New England and U.S. Energy Information Administration GENERATING CAPACITY IN MEGAWATTS Generator Summer Winter 1 Yarmouth 4 Yarmouth, 1978 Owner: NextEra Energy Marketing LLC Fuel: Residual fuel oil 595.55 603.25 2 Westbrook Energy Center G1 Westbrook, 2001 Owner: Calpine Energy Services LP Fuel: Natural gas 267.01 285.9 3 Westbrook Energy Center G2 Westbrook, 2001 Owner: Calpine Energy Services LP Fuel: Natural gas 267.01 285.9 4 Maine Independence Station 1 Veazie, 2000 Owner: Dynegy Marketing and Trade LLC Fuel: Natural gas 249.02 273.00 5 Maine Independence Station 2 Veazie, 2000 Owner: Dynegy Marketing and Trade LLC Fuel: Natural gas 249.02 273.00 6 Rumford Power Rumford, 2000 Owner: Revere Power LLC Fuel: Natural gas 244.28 269.09 7 Bucksport Energy 4 Bucksport, 2001 Owner: Bucksport Generation LLC Fuel: Natural gas 164.67 172.83 8 Yarmouth 3 Yarmouth, 1965 Owner: NextEra Energy Power Marketing LLC Fuel: Residual fuel oil 110.87 113.06 9 Great Lakes Hydro America Millinocket, 1987 Owner: Brookfield Renewable Trading and Marketing LP Fuel: Water 100.11 93.41 10 Verso Androscoggin Energy Center Cogen 1 Jay, 2000 Owner: Pixelle Energy Services LLC Fuel: Natural gas 49.43 55.46 Construction Manager | Design-Builder | General Contractor VT | GA | ME | NH | NC | NY Specialized medical centers. High-tech education facilities. Destination resorts. Complex manufacturing. Downtown revitalizations. You dream it, we build it. BUILDING STRONGER , T O G E T H E R

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