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Fact Book: Doing Business in Maine 2020

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V O L . X X V I N O. X V I 28 Fact Book / Doing Business in Maine S O U R C E : U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division Maine population by age, 2016 Under 5: 4.9% 5–19: 16.7% 20–44: 28.9% 45–64: 30.1% 65–84: 16.9% 85 and over: 2.4% Maine population Ranked by population change, 2016–2017 S O U R C E : U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division 2016 2017 Percent change 1 Waldo 39,425 39,832 1.03% 2 York 202,223 204,191 0.97% 3 Sagadahoc 35,133 35,392 0.74% 4 Lincoln 33,993 34,204 0.62% 5 Oxford 57,096 57,439 0.60% 6 Cumberland 290,905 292,500 0.55% 7 Kennebec 121,328 121,821 0.41% 8 Androscoggin 107,269 107,651 0.36% 9 Knox 39,655 39,790 0.34% 10 Penobscot 151,515 151,957 0.29% 11 Hancock 54,398 54,497 0.18% 12 Washington 31,566 31,593 0.09% 13 Somerset 50,663 50,626 –0.07% 14 Franklin 30,071 29,988 –0.28% 15 Piscataquis 16,876 16,773 –0.61% 16 Aroostook 68,116 67,653 –0.68% MAINE 1,330,232 1,335,907 0.43% -0.7% -0.5% -0.3% -0.1% 0.1% 0.3% 0.5% 0.7% 0.9% 1.1% Aroostook Piscataquis Franklin Somerset Washington Hancock Penobscot Knox Androscoggin Kennebec Cumberland Oxford Lincoln Sagadahoc York Waldo Language spoken in Maine For population 5 years old and over, 2016 N/A: Not applicable. S O U R C E : U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates Percent of population Percent who speak English less than very well English only 93.8% N/A Spanish 0.9% 21.9% Other Indo-European languages 3.7% 18.6% Asian and Pacific Islander languages 0.9% 56.0% Other languages 0.8% 39.7% Maine metropolitan statistical area 1 populations Ranked by population, 2017 1 The Census Bureau defines a metropolitan statistical area as a core area containing a large population nucleus, together with adjacent communities having a high degree of economic and social interaction with that core. The title of each MSA includes the names of up to three of its central cities. S O U R C E : U.S. Census Bureau POPULATION ESTIMATES April 1, 2010 July 1, 2017 Percent change, 2010–2017 Portland/ South Portland 514,098 532,083 3.5% Bangor 153,923 151,957 –1.3% Lewiston/ Auburn 107,702 107,651 0.0% Components of population change Ranked by total population change, July 1, 2016–July 1, 2017 1 Includes the international migration of both native and foreign-born populations. S O U R C E : U.S. Census Bureau NATURAL INCREASE NET MIGRATION Total population change Births Deaths Total International 1 Domestic Total 1 York 1,968 1,911 1,966 −55 124 1,897 2,021 2 Cumberland 1,595 2,765 2,641 124 836 643 1,479 3 Kennebec 493 1,194 1,277 -83 73 509 582 4 Penobscot 442 1,380 1,567 −188 86 552 638 5 Waldo 407 355 415 −60 60 409 469 6 Androscoggin 382 1,241 1,041 200 165 23 188 7 Oxford 343 487 670 −183 10 518 528 8 Sagadahoc 259 324 401 −77 −6 342 336 9 Lincoln 211 273 410 −137 14 334 348 10 Knox 135 314 428 −114 41 210 251 11 Hancock 99 458 624 −166 72 196 268 12 Washington 27 297 398 −101 26 105 131 13 Somerset −37 461 532 −71 23 15 38 14 Franklin −83 250 322 −72 15 -25 −10 15 Piscataquis −103 131 215 −84 1 -19 −18 16 Aroostook −463 664 832 −168 38 -333 −295 MAINE 5,675 12,504 13,739 1,235 1,578 5,376 6,954 Q UA L I T Y O F L I F E | P O P U L AT I O N In the early 1900s, the speed of population growth, from rail and mill development, gives Millinocket nickname "The Magic City." Aroostook County accounts for 90% of Maine's potato cultivation by 2000. 200 200 IDEAS FOR MAINE'S BICENTENNIAL

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