
June 15, 2020

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V O L . X X V I N O. X I I I J U N E 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 12 E N E R G Y / E N V I RO N M E N T F O C U S W hen the pandemic struck in Maine, Summit Utilities Inc. saw demand for natural gas decline in the industrial sector. "We're seeing industrial load con- sumption coming and going," says Kurt Adams, president and CEO of the Yarmouth-based company. "Industrial facilities might have stopped one shift; they might have a two-week furlough." Usage also softened in the commer- cial sector, as stores closed or reduced operations. Unsurprisingly, the resi- dential sector stayed steady as people hunkered down in their homes. But taken together, lower demand in some sectors along with Summit's suspension of disconnection and late fees, which have resulted in unpaid invoices, have impacted the company's finances. "We're all trying to figure out how deep and long this will go," Adams adds. Accelerating projects One might think that uncertainty might hurt Summit's infrastructure projects, including a $3 million pipeline build-out underway in Farmingdale. On the contrary, says Adams, Summit is accelerating those and other projects. "One unique role of a utility is that, when the economy gets soft, we have the opportunity to be part of the solution," he says. "One way we can help is putting people to work." P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY Nervous energy The pandemic's impact on different sectors of the energy industry B y L a u r i e S c h r e i B e r Summit Utilities Inc. President and CEO Kurt Adams witnessed softening natural gas markets for some sectors, but an opportunity to accelerate infrastructure projects, like a $3 million pipeline build-out underway in Farmingdale. (207)989-7400 EMERA Maine -Headquarters, Bangor We have the energy, employees, and experience to get the job done.

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