Mainebiz Promotional Inserts

MEREDA 35th Anniversary

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11 W W W. M E R E D A .O R G Verrill. Very Focused. We know when a 10-minute conversation beats a 40-page legal memo. Targeted solutions from lawyers who know how to weed out unnecessary details and simplify the complex. At Verrill, that's our focus. An aerial view of a revitalized Auburn C O U R T E S Y O F T H E C I T Y O F A U B U R N strategies to drive innovation and eco- nomic growth, and ultimately to unlock the innovation potential of our state. Prime opportunities for innovation include sus- tainable fishing, such as aquaculture, to complement traditional fishing and meet the growing demand for a traceable food supply; bio-based alternative products that emerge from the intersection of wood sup- ply, bioplastics, and advanced building material technologies; and advancing health with biosciences and technologies. All of these developments will require real estate infrastructure, for both the businesses and the workforce. Expanding tradi onal industries. Even as we seek to diversify our economy, we will continue to support our thriving tourism and hospitality, healthcare, outdoor rec- reation, and arts sectors, deepening these opportunities across Maine's communities. While there are many challenges facing Maine in the next decade, we know there is a brighter future as we shi our focus to Maine's current advantages and seek to overcome the challenges and unlock our next economy. We appreciate the support of Maine's real estate sector as we all lean into this future state of our economy.

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