
November 25, 2019

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V O L . X X V N O. X X V I I N OV E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 1 9 12 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E Marshall Wharf property in Belfast hits the auction block Tranzon Auction Properties in Portland has scheduled a foreclosure auction for waterfront commercial property at 36 Marshall Wharf in Belfast. e property is the former home of Marshall Wharf Brewing Co. e auction is scheduled for Dec. 3 at 11 a.m. e property is in the heart of Belfast's downtown and waterfront. It covers 6,048 square feet on 0.18 acre, and has waterfront mixed-use zoning. Nearby businesses include Front Street Shipyard, Navtronic and restaurant and retail establishments. A $25,000 deposit will be required in order to bid in the live auction. A minimum bid has been established but is not being disclosed publicly. According to Belfast public records, the property has a total tax value of $277,500, with the build- ing valued at $65,400 and the property at $212,100. It last sold in July 2007 for $600,000. e structure on the wharf was built around 1900, and has been used for a granary, cold storage, Eastern Maine Towage's towboat operation, a plumbing business and a lobster pound. N O T E W O R T H Y M I D C O A S T & D O W N E A S T Redzone Wireless LLC, a broadband services company in Camden, an- nounced that is constructed and acti- vated nine new fixed wireless broadband sites serving 33 Maine communities in October, extending broadband access to 33,650 new homes and businesses in mostly rural locations. Camden National Bank donated $25,000 to the Rockport Library Foundation's library building campaign. Maine Community Foundation in Ellsworth announced the Start Up/Scale Up Fund, a two-year grant program de- signed to support Maine nonprofit orga- nizations and programs that help new ventures start and grow through shared work spaces and incubator and accel- erator programs. The fund will launch early next year and award $400,000 in 2020-2021. Maximum grants of $25,000 will cover program expenses and capital investment in equipment, technology and buildings. (207) 402-3353 | Some of the real benefits of being at home in Maine Your employees can feel secure knowing that they have coverage from a health plan that understands the value of hard work, local support, and independence. Your employees can relax with the added level of support they get from having care managers who are just a phone call away. They'll like having coverage with the health plan that puts its Members first – while helping them get the most from their benefits. You can feel at home with Health Options. Contact our Business Development team or your broker today. Q: A small business owner or leader wants the organization's four-person executive team to be more independent, but hasn't been able to make that happen. Suggestions? ACE advises: The operative word is team. This group may not actually function, or see themselves, as a team. And it's just easier to rely on the owner or leader. The leader should: Reflect upon and clarify what the owner-pres- ident role should be versus the team, and on everyone's readiness for this change. Work with the team as a group to clearly specify what their role should be, individually and together. Assess the team's ability to perform a different role in terms of skills, time and resources. There may be a need for additional training or individual coaching for the owner or president as well as individual executives. Become more of a coach to the team and individual members. The team will not immediately be able to perform the new role, but will grow into it over time with help from the company's leader. Consciously and deliberately assess on a regular basis how they're doing in the new roles: What's working, what can improve and what needs to change. A S K AC E A n s w e r e d b y J o h n S h o r b , T h e D e l p h i G r o u p I n c . The Association for Consulting Expertise (ACE) is a non-profit association of independent consultants who value "Success through Collaboration." The public is welcome to attend its regular meetings to share best practices and engage with industry experts. For more information go to John Shorb can be contacted at Work with the team as a group to clearly specify what their role should be. M I D C O A S T & D O W N E A S T

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