
November 11, 2019

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 21 N OV E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 9 F O C U S L AW e nonprofit represents more than 1,000 lodging, restaurant and other hospi- tality-related businesses in Maine. "We understand the importance of the ADA," says Dugal. "Our members understand, and appreciate, disabled guests. ey want them to be comfort- able and they want their business." HospitalityMaine, at its annual seminar earlier this month, had a panel addressing ADA compliance issues to spread the word. A risk for anyone Most modern websites can accommo- date accessible features that are compat- ible with e-reader software, including alt text for photos, which describes what's in a photo. For instance, an image of Gov. Janet Mills giving a speech may have alt text that says "woman stands at lectern before large crowd." Accessibility for e-reader software also includes things like using fonts and colors that the software can pick up easily. It's not just about visual accessibility, but also having captions with videos for the hearing-appeared and other elements for a range of disabilities. Issues can arise even for those who are conscientious about their web design, Bessey says. A site may have dozens of photos that have alt text, for instance, but one that doesn't. Or it may have a shade of text that isn't clear enough against the background. A business may have an accessible website, but then add video, with no closed captions for those with hearing impairment. Guidelines exist, but aren't law ere are already some standards around the issue. e Web Accessibility Initiative, or W3C, which is made up of business leaders, web designers and advo- cates for those with disabilities, formed two decades ago to draw up guidelines, now known as WCAG 2.0. e stan- dards have been updated over the years. Attorneys representing the plaintiff in the Domino's case suggested that the pizza chain should comply with those guidelines. A new urban neighborhood comes alive. The Dunham Group is proud to support clients like WEX, bringing new opportunities to Portland and Southern Maine. Portland, ME 207.773.7100 Local Knowledge. Regional Focus. Global Reach. Hello WEX! Call or Visit Us Online. Since 1989 Local Decisions Be Budget! 800.924.4229 Problems Solved. Budget Document Technology is an industry leader in providing digital solutions for document creation, production, and distribution. Helping Maine get business done! • Multi-functional Color & B&W Copiers • Printers & Scanners • Postage & Mailing Equipment • Software & Network Solutions • Managed Print Services C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E » Frankly, it's a risk for anyone doing business on the internet. — Nathaniel Bessey Brann & Isaacson

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