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1 0 S T U F F • F a l l 2 0 1 9 S T U F F M a d e I n C T . c o m The Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology Inc. (CCAT), is a non-profit corporation that helps businesses create bold, new ideas for designing and implementing applied technologies, export and cyber compliance, energy solutions, STEM education and workforce development. By leading state, regional and national partnerships, CCAT helps manufacturers, academia, government and non-profit organizations to excel. Address: 222 Pitkin St., East Hartford, CT 06108 Additional Company Location: Advanced Manufacturing Center – 409 Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT 06118 Phone: 860-291-8832 Full-time employees: 27 Year founded: 2004 President & CEO: Ron Angelo Check us out on social media! CT Center for Advanced Tech @CCATInc C O M PA N Y P R O F I L E CCAT is known nationally for applying innovative technology in our world-class Advanced Manufacturing Center, where leading-edge equipment and systems are showcased, demonstrated and evaluated. With our team of experts and network of machining and software companies, we offer a broad expanse of capabilities to evaluate technologies and process improvements. CCAT has a wide variety of customers in advanced manufacturing, workforce, energy and export and cyber compliance. Our goal is to be a national leader and influential resource, committed to ensuring the success of the organizations we serve by achieving excellence, guiding change and sustaining growth. CCAT employs individuals in the areas of education and workforce development, energy and advanced manufacturing. Recent openings have included positions such as education and workforce development specialist and manufacturing applications engineer. CCAT employs paid interns during the school year and during the summer. The program is mentor-based and comprehensive with a final presentation at summer's end. Many interns place in jobs in their fields of study — at manufacturing and technology companies in Connecticut and elsewhere. CCAT's company benefits include medical, dental, company-paid life, voluntary life, short-term and long-term disability, 401K with Safe Harbor contributions, as well as a company match, flexible-spending accounts, PTO, floating holidays, tuition reimbursement, pet insurance and casual Fridays. CCAT partners in advanced manufacturing, STEM education, workforce development, alternative energy and export and cyber compliance to help manufacturers, academia, government and nonprofits succeed. We study technologies and serve as project managers bringing together stakeholders to make resources readily available. CCAT and its energy team advances the development, manufacture and deployment of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies; we help drive community- supported solutions to reduce energy costs and increase reliability; we promote energy solutions using advanced, renewable technologies. CCAT is an established, non-profit organization with cutting-edge technology, awesome benefits, collaborative staff and great learning opportunities! P R O D U C T S M A R K E T S / C U S TO M E R S C O M PA N Y B E N E F I T S C A R E E R / J O B O P P O R T U N I T I E S C O M M U N I T Y E N G A G E M E N T I N T E R N S H I P P R O G R A M E N V I R O N M E N TA L A W A R E N E S S Providing hands-on opportunities for middle-grade students through the Young Manufacturers Academy to explore the field and build skills such as robotics, programming, 3D printing and engineering design. S P O N S O R C O N T E N T W H Y U S ?