Hartford Business Journal Special Editions

STUFF Made in Connecticut 2019

Issue link: https://nebusinessmedia.uberflip.com/i/1170706

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F a l l 2 0 1 9 • S T U F F 1 1 S T U F F M a d e I n C T . c o m High-school students from East Hartford receive hands-on training offered through the CCAT Pre-Apprenticeship Program at CCAT's Advanced Manufacturing Center. Implementing innovative student workshops, events and programming (both in-school and summer) that promote participation and achievement in STEM and increase awareness of future high-tech careers through Connecticut. Dream It. Do It. Novus Insight, a wholly owned CCAT IT company, has a cutting-edge data center and robust team of talented IT professionals to facilitate innovative solutions, including cybersecurity, that make a difference for clients they serve. Monica Perez "I moved to Connecticut in 2012 after finishing a deployment with the Air Force … I worked with employers that were hiring veterans, and then it grew. I have over six years of experience in employer engagement/workforce development. It's amazing to see manufacturers tapping into young talent. " "Many clients I have worked with are required to meet specific security frameworks such as NIST 800-171. Providing users with a way to work securely and not disrupt their workflow can be challenging but is rewarding. " POSITION: Workforce Program Specialist AGE: 36 SCHOOL: The Ohio State University; graduate school at Central Connecticut State YEARS AT COMPANY: 1.5 S P O N S O R C O N T E N T Rocky Bragg POSITION: System Analyst AGE: 25 SCHOOL: Wentworth Institute of Technology YEARS AT COMPANY: 2.5

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