Mainebiz Special Editions

Giving Guide 2019

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V O L . X X V N O. X X I G I V I N G G U I D E 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 4 Supporting Maine nonprofits FROM THE GIVING GUIDE SPONSOR FROM THE GIVING GUIDE PARTNER Nonprofits help people — and the Maine economy We are delighted to partner with Mainebiz again this year to highlight the importance of nonprofits to Maine's economy and quality of life and to invite everyone to do what they can to support them. Nonprofits create equitable economic opportunities, educate our children, care for our most vulnerable citizens, protect the environment, support arts and culture, build affordable housing, develop community leaders and much more. ey also employ over 98,000 people and account for nearly 18% of the state's payroll. At the same time, people in Maine give time, talent and treasure to strengthen their communities. About 40% of Maine residents volunteer, ranking Maine No. 9 in the nation for hours volunteered per person. is means 425,000 peo- ple are donating the equivalent of $948 million in time and talent each year. Over the last 25 years, the Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP) has grown to become Maine's comprehensive resource for the tools, knowledge and con- nections nonprofits need to be effective and well run. With a growing statewide membership of more than 950 charitable nonprofits and 165 corporate friends, MANP promotes the public profile of Maine nonprofits by highlighting their vital contribution to the quality of life in our state. We foster collaborative approaches to problem solving and increase the collective impact of Maine nonprofits by con- necting people, organizations and resources from all sectors. And we strengthen the Maine nonprofit sector by promoting and cultivating productive relationships among nonprofits, business, government, and philanthropy. Every day, we learn about nonprofits that are doing remarkable work to sup- port and improve their communities and are honored to be doing what we can to empower these Maine people with purpose. Please join us. We welcome you to our expanding network of partners who share our passion for Maine's nonprofits and their role in making Maine a great place to live and work. Jennifer Hutchins Executive Director Maine Association of Nonprofits Maine's network of nonprofits make communities stronger Maine has a strong network of nonprofits that deliver on their mission every single day, making our communities better through their work. Whether it's providing a hot meal to the hungry, preserving our green spaces and landmarks for future generations or providing a safe space for our children to grow and learn, Maine's nonprofits are step- ping up to the plate. at's why Kennebunk Savings is so proud to be a part of this year's Mainebiz Giving Guide. In the pages ahead you'll find information about some of Maine's nonprofit organizations along with corporate giving best practices. Whether you're a leader of a business or a nonprofit, we hope you will find an example of a partnership in these pages that speaks to you or helps plant the seed for future business and nonprofit collaborations. is is a special year for Kennebunk Savings. We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of our Community Promise program. In 1994 Kennebunk Savings Bank CEO Joel Stevens had an idea that, just as a stock-held institution pays a dividend to its investors, Kennebunk Savings as a mutual institution should pay a dividend to its communities. From that idea, our Community Promise program was born. Each year we dedicate 10% of our annual after-tax net profit to nonprofits in our communities. Since 1994 we have remained committed to Stevens' promise and the pledge has become an integral part of our identity and culture. Kennebunk Savings donated $26,000 to charitable organizations in the program's first year, and since that time has given more than $13 million to nonprofit organizations in York County and seacoast New Hampshire. In this, the 25th year of the program, the Bank's growth will result in a record $1 million being donated to area nonprofits. Kennebunk Savings designates a portion of our Community Promise budget to our Spotlight Fund, an annual effort to direct grant money to a targeted issue affecting our communities. For a second straight year, the Spotlight Fund is focusing on efforts to combat substance use disorder prevention and recovery efforts. So far we have donated $225,000 to nonprofits that are truly making a difference in this area. I always say the financial aspects of our Community Promise and Spotlight Fund are great, but the people piece of these programs is what is truly compel- ling. We have a tremendous group of dedicated employees who consistently volunteer thousands of hours of their personal time each year, from serving on governing boards to hands-on participation at the multitude of fundrais- ing and awareness events taking place each month. ey are self-motivated by an inner drive to help others; they are truly a special group of people and our communities are enriched by them. We hope that this copy of the Giving Guide inspires you to form the bonds that make our communities better places, because helping one another is always the right thing to do. Bradford C. Paige President and CEO Kennebunk Savings

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