
New Haven BIZ January-February 2019

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n e w h a v e n b i z . c o m J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 9 | n e w h a v e n B I Z 3 F R O M T H E E D I T O R I f you stand up in front of a class of college students embarking on that adventure in learning known as Journalism 101 and ask them the existential question: "What is news?", you're likely to hear a spectrum of responses, typically involving qualities such as magnitude, prominence, proximity, impact, even oddity. But if you distill all those definitions of "news" down to their irreducible essence, more oen than not you arrive at this definition: Something bad happened. And it's (depressingly) true — you'll never see the 6 o'clock news or your morning newspaper greet you with the headline, "212 Unhurt as Plane Lands Safely." But when that plane goes down and those 212 souls perish, that's news. One of the guaranteed zones of silence in American news coverage is news about the news business itself. But one of the most inexorable trends in journalism — especially local journalism — in the 21st century is the decline of news for and about businesses and the people who create, energize and make them run. Which, when you think about it, is most people. Local daily newspapers used to feature a business section every day of the week. Now, in papers like the New Haven Register, online readers have to scroll down past "Recommended Video," "Worth a Look," "Weird News" and (of course) "Sponsored Content" before you get to any news about the business community — if you find any at all. Local television news seldom if ever covers business news beyond retail ribbon-cuttings or major national news such as GE moving its headquarters to Boston. at's where we come in. If other consumer media did an aggressive and comprehensive job covering business in Connecticut, there 'Business news' shouldn't be an oxymoron would be much less reason for New Haven Biz (and other similar media such as our sibling, the Hartford Business Journal) to exist. We're here to bring you up-to-date local and state business news on our digital platform (NewHavenBiz. com), and to deliver more insightful (we think) "how" and "why" business news in our print platform (the one you're holding now). Our most important "product" is information — clear, truthful and unbiased. And our most important constituency — forever and always — is you, our readers. I invite you to contact us at, or me personally at mbingham@ n Very truly yours, Michael C. Bingham Editor New Haven Biz newhavenBIZ Volume 1- Number 3 • January/February 2019 New Haven Biz 900 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06510 (203)-937-2148 • EDITOR Michael C. Bingham CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Holly Marie LaPrade Melissa Nicefaro Natalie Missakian Wendy Pierman Mitzel Frank Rizzo Makayla Silva Karen Singer Nicole Zappone DESIGN DIRECTOR Mitchell Hayes PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Kira Beaudoin PHOTOGRAPHY David Ottenstein SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER Ronni Rabin PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER Joe Zweibel CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Peter Stanton CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER/CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Mary Rogers GROUP PUBLISHER Donna Brassard DIGITAL DIRECTOR Jan Holder AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Kelly Ansley EDITORIAL DIRECTOR - CT Greg Bordonaro NEW HAVEN BIZ (ISSN 2639-605X), Vol. I, No. 2 is published six times annually plus two special editions by New England Business Media, 900 Chapel St., 10th Floor, New Haven, CT 06510. Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. Subscriptions: Annual subscriptions are available for $29.95. To subscribe please email or contact our circulation team at 203-937-2148 ext. 4 New Haven BIZ accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or materials and in general does not return them to the sender. A division of: Advertising: Ronni Rabin phone: 203-937-2148 ( x707) New Haven BIZ is a publication of New England Business Media, LLC.

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