Issue link: • 2 0 1 8 • S T U F F 5 M anufacturing has always been an important part of our coun- try's economic landscape and Massachusetts has a growing manufactur- ing economy across the Commonwealth. Part of that growth is driven by the sup- port from the Commonwealth's programs such as the Massachusetts Workforce Training grant program, which has provid- ed almost $10 million in training dollars to Massachusetts companies and orga- nizations such as MassMEP. All of these resources are available to companies and help keep manufacturing companies in Massachusetts. Careers in manufacturing are viable ca- reers and provide a living wage. Accord- ing to a 2015 study, the U.S. manufacturing industry will add nearly 3.4 million jobs over the next decade to meet demand both here and abroad. It is anticipated that Massachusetts will have about 100,000 job openings in manufacturing over the next five years. If manufacturing brings an image to mind of dirty, old, bro- ken-down machinery, think again. Today's manufacturing puts modern technology like Internet of Things, virtual reality, and 3D printing into play to create more effi- cient and safer operations. In this magazine, you will learn about the various career opportunities in manu- facturing. MassMEP congratulates you on considering manufacturing as a career ~ Be the talent of tomorrow! Manufacturing in Massachusetts and Creating the Talent for Tomorrow! John Killam President/CEO, Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP) M assachusetts remains a global center of advanced manu- facturing. Finding the skilled employees to keep it that way remains the predominant challenge facing the Massa- chusetts manufacturing economy. Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), the statewide business association, surveyed thousands of employers for its Blueprint for the Next Century economic plan and found that attracting qualified employees remains the most pressing issue facing those who make things in the commonwealth. That's why the 3,750 member compa- nies of AIM are pleased to be part of Cool Stuff Made in Massachusetts, an initiative of the Worcester Business Journal and BusinessWest to let young and talented people know that manufacturing has a bright future in Massachusetts. The companies represented in these pages offer the promise of job satisfaction and financial prosperity to those who have the intelligence and drive to create every- thing from jet engines to radar compo- nents to robotic medical devices. AIM believes that business can be a positive force for change in creating a better, more prosperous world. We strive to bring together the best people, the best insights and the best resources to ensure that Massachusetts businesses are able to grow and prosper. We stand for jobs, economic opportu- nity, fiscal predictability, innovation and a government that acknowledges that the private sector has the unique responsi- bility to create the common wealth for the people of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Needs Workers Richard C. Lord President and CEO, Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM)