Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work 2018

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9 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 8 SMALL COMPANIES [ 15 - 49 employees ] Colby Co. Is a Women- Owned Small Business cre- ated in 2008 by Calen and Sarah Emily Colby as a one-stop shop for mechani- cal, plumbing, fire protection, electrical, structural and civil engineering and architecture. Based in Portland with 41 employees and hundreds of projects, Colby Co. is a fast-paced, team-oriented environment with equal opportunities for mentoring, professional development, project manage- ment and fun activities outside of work, like holiday and children's parties, sum- mer outings, bowling and rock-climbing. Colby Co. provides employees with an- nual Maine State Park passes, two paid volunteer days per year, and paid benefits like free parking, health and dental care, short- and long-term disability insurance, 401(k) match, parental leave, cell phone stipend and professional development. Colby Co. Engineering CCB has provided New England with comprehensive, award-winning construction services for over 70 years. Its experienced, creative and knowledgeable management team understands that, to meet today's changing construction industry needs, CCB must employ the best craftspeople and have a solid commitment to health, safety and quality. Good benefits and investing in em- ployees include training for technical and soft skills. CCB provide staff with resources and flexibility to help them complete work while managing work- life responsibilities. Employees can bring their children and dogs to the office. CCB makes time to celebrate life milestones and work accomplishments. Families come to summer cookouts and camping trips. Employees gather to golf, canoe and volunteer. CCB, Inc. SFX America pro- duces secure critical documents and fulfill- ment services with high quality and quick turnaround. Opening seven years ago with four employees, today SFX has grown to a team of 36. Employees enjoy the professional development opportunities offered by SFX including cross-training programs, job-shadowing and mentoring programs. SFX hosts multiple onsite and offsite employee appreciation events throughout the year including The Escape Room, bowling, ice cream and food truck, BBQs and monthly pizza parties. At year end we host a dinner with fun prizes at a local restaurant. Employees have generously donated PTO time to co-workers going through a crisis and needing additional time off. SFX provides medical insurance at no cost to its employees. SFX America # 10 MPX # 8 # 9 MPX is a great example of a traditional business that re- mains relevant by embracing technology and providing lead- ing-edge business solutions. Employees take great satisfaction in creating solutions that make customers' businesses and lives better. There are perks like flexible work hours, fitness program reimbursements, onsite shower, basketball court, walking/jogging paths and restful areas. MPX honors employees achieving 10- plus years with an engraved watch. Every five years thereafter, employees receive a length of service bonus. MPX holds mul- tiple on and offsite appreciation events, including The Escape Room, bowling, ice cream truck, BBQs, and an annual dinner event. MPX hosts several American Red Cross blood drives throughout the year and supports the Woodfords Family Services Christmas Giving Tree and United Way. # 11 "The CCB work atmosphere is very open and easy going, yet professional and challenging. My work is valued here, and I am appreciated." Tony Giacomuzzi ASSISTANT PROJECT MANAGER BS, Mechanical Engineering Technology, 2016 UMaine Orono BUILD EXCELLENCE WITH PRIDE CCB working with the United Way of Greater Portland to kick o the 2018 Food Drive with a can sculpture contest CCB is honored to be recognized as a Best Place to Work for its second consecutive year. 207.464.2626 65 Bradley Dr., Westbrook, Maine

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