Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work 2018

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11 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 8 SMALL COMPANIES [ 15 - 49 employees ] Kennebec Federal Savings, chartered in 1936, has served Waterville and the surround- ing community for 82 years. KFS's emphasis on team members allows the team to serve cus- tomers best and makes the bank more profitable. Its most recent culture assess- ment showed team members enjoy working with, and having fun with, each other. Team members put customers first, and share those moments among themselves with "shout out" e-mail blasts when a team member wows a customer. Rewards include 401(k) contributions and bank match, time off for birthdays, and dress- down Fridays. All employees participate in quarterly sales contests with prizes. KFS added MyMedicalShopper, which lets employees compare ratings and costs of providers for various medical services, and contributes to Health Savings Accounts. Kennebec Federal Savings TideSmart Global pro- vides marketing services that emphasize experi- ential (live, face-to-face) marketing. The experiential focus extends to TideSmart's employment approach. TideSmart has made a substantive in- vestment in an eco-friendly campus. The company sponsors volunteerism and hosts family-style Friday lunches. Social gatherings include daily "Fika" time – Swedish for coffee break. This means 10 minutes scheduled daily for employees to leave their desks and socialize with peers over coffee. Recognitions include "Third Thursday" celebrations, employment milestone awards at the annual company party, the Above & Beyond President's Award for exceptional service, and in- cremental PTO based on tenure/years of service. Wellness initiatives include periodic chair massages, yoga classes/ sessions, use of the fitness center during the work day and weekly group walks. # 16 # 17 Best Bank in Waterville. Best Staff in Kennebec County. Best Place to Work in Maine. Waterville, Maine 888-249-0606 Thank you to the entire KFS team for making KFS one of the Best Places to Work in Maine – 5 years in a row! Your strong work ethic, positive attitude, and commitment to outstanding service make KFS a great place to work and a great place to bank. TideSmart Global 380 U.S. Route 1 Falmouth, ME 04105 207.828.4700 As a business that builds experiences, we are asked to "make every moment matter" every day. Our people do, and their efforts have inspired us to deliver a work experience worthy of them. We are a "best place" because we have the best people anywhere in the industry. We know that our talented people could work anywhere in the country but they choose Maine as their home. Thank you to our friends and colleagues!

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